Paging Mr. Johnson. Mr. Willie Johnson……

Abe Lincoln in a Chicken Nugget.....

Abe Lincoln in a Chicken Nugget…..

Elvis in a French Fry......

Elvis in a French Fry……

Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant, a form of apophenia. Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds, or the man in the moon. I know you’ve seen them. They’re spotted everywhere. All over the globe. What shocks me is that so many people give credibility to such nonsense. Please. You’re kidding me right? A potato chip that looks like Winston Churchill? The cat that looks like Hitler? Let’s also not forget Elvis in a French fry and Abe Lincoln in a chicken nugget. Jesus and The Virgin Mary are spotted in everything from rocks to jeans. There are, however, some sights that just evoke images, and they include the very first squash I ever harvested.

Glad to See Me?

Glad to See Me?

Meatloaf and the Stones?

The Washington Monument and the Two Amigos?

Breakfast burrito & the twins?

IMG_1316Dangling participle & the love apples?

Call it what you will, that’s one unusual looking squash……..    -aff

2 responses to “Paging Mr. Johnson. Mr. Willie Johnson……

  1. Food pornography


  2. I think I like the other kind better…….


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