Tag Archives: arborio rice

The Fit One Strikes!

Something Old, Something New

Something Old, Something New

Did you ever see one of those cooking shows in which chefs have to create masterpieces from random ingredients? I’ve always though t I’d be good at that, but not to that extreme. I don’t care to try fixing something great from cornflakes, arborio rice and a box of cough drops. I do, however, always make meals form whatever we have laying around. I utilize leftovers, stuff from the freezer and whatever we have from the store that’s fresh. And I must say, I come up with some good stuff, such as Friday’s dinner.

A Salad of Odds and Ends

A Salad of Odds and Ends

We had some fresh shrimp, which I marinated, threaded on rosemary stem skewers and cooked on a grill pan. There was some yellow rice left over from Taco Thursday, as well as some leftover pico de gallo made from tomato, onion, jalapeno, honey crisp apple and corn. Very good. We had a salad of the pico with a dollop of guac, a little artichoke salad from the fridge, all served over shredded romaine. To start, a bowl of the gazpacho form last week and presto, a gourmet, healthy meal.    -AFitB

Today's Shrimp, Yesterday's Rice. Nice.....

Today’s Shrimp, Yesterday’s Rice. Nice…..